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Top 5 ways to Reinvent your Shed!

Published: 02/01/2020

The start of a new year is the perfect opportunity to reinvent your home, garden and shed! The shed can be the ideal place to focus on first as it's the main feature of the garden. Have a read of our top five ways to reinvent your shed below for some inspiration!

 1. Paint your shed 

This customer has used two different colours to create a fresh and pristine look.

Use two different colours to create a fresh and pristine look.

This customer has used a bold colour against a white to make a statement.

Use a bold colour against white to make a statement!

This customer has created an authentic and raw look by painting his shed a light green to match his green garden.

Create an authentic and raw look by painting your shed a natural green to match nature.

2. Add some trendy planters

Give your garden shed a natural look by adding some stunning plants and planters either inside or outside your garden building. Alexandria_19mm_01

Use a range of planters for a stylish look.

 3. Shower your shed with flowers

Flowers are the perfect decor to bring some colour and life to your garden shed.This customer kept their log cabin unpainted but brought some colour the building with hanging baskets and colourful flowers surrounding the cabin.

Add colourful flower baskets and plant pots to bring colour to unpainted sheds and cabins.

Love the use of flowers on this potting shed![/caption] Tiger Top Buy - How cute is this Artificial Lavender in a Bag for just £5.00? We think it would give a vintage and quirky look to your building and it can be found on Permabloom. They also do a great range  of artificial flowers and plants as an ideal alternative! Edited 2

4. Decor

Before making any decor changes consider how you can make an even better use of your garden building. You should be thinking about these questions: 1) Why did I initially get a garden shed or log cabin? 2) What do I mainly use it for? 3) What would my dream shed be? So when reinventing your shed or log cabin for 2016 you can transform it into what you need and want. However, no matter how you use your garden building there is no reason why you can't spruce up the interior!Interior Collage

Use patterned curtains and labelled boxes and tins to bring some colour and personality to a space. A wine rack can also be the perfect accessory for a garden shed...[/caption]   We also think that this Toadstool Table & Stools Set would bring some personality to your garden shed. It would work like a dream if you have a Shed Shed! Edited

Make your shed and cabin space a little more personal with pictures of you and your family. We love the Red Candy website and think they have a stunning collection of photo frames all at really good prices!

Photo Franmes

 5. Rearrange 

Maybe not the most exciting option on this list but it can be the most cost efficient! If your shed is full of tools and general storage to the point of where you're not even sure what's in there then set some time aside on the weekend to have a really good sort out! There are so many different ways you can can keep your tools and gardening equipment stored away neatly so you can potentially use the space for other purposes.


Keep tools neatly hung up![/caption] Just because you use your shed for storage doesn't mean you can't make it a She Shed or an office, you just need to be clever about how you store everything then you can make the most of your shed space.

New year, New shed!

Now you have a beautiful new shed which you can use for whatever you desire! Please send in your stunning images to us either by emailing them to sales@tigerbox.co.uk or sharing over Twitter and Facebook, and don't forget to tag Tiger Sheds on your post so we can find them! We will share your pictures with the world so you can claim some sheddie fame! #yourtigershed  Visit Tiger Sheds's profile on Pinterest

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