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Understanding The Differences Between Garden Sheds

Published: 22/01/2019

A picture containing a montage of garden sheds

We’ve all been there…the holiday season passes you by and all of a sudden you’re left with a lot of ‘things’, but not enough places to store them. But then, inspiration strikes, why not buy a shed! You start to have a look at your options online, but all of a sudden you’re overwhelmed with options. Would you like an Apex or a Pent roof? What kind of cladding are you looking for? What thickness would you like the wood to be? If, like me, you’re left in tears of despair, desperately crying out “I just want a shed!”, then this post might just help you figure out and understand the difference between garden sheds and ultimately help you decide what you’re looking for.

Apex vs. Pent

So where do you start? Knowing which style roof you’re looking for can really help narrow down your choices. An Apex roof is one with two slopes that point up to meet in the middle, sort of like those houses we all drew as children. Many people find this style to be the aesthetically pleasing choice. It can add a ‘cute’ element to any garden, and has many practical applications (finally, a place to store those cumbersome decorations!).

A Pent roof building is just as practical, and can also be a lovely addition to your yard. The Pent roof is a flat, sloping roof, which usually slopes down from front to back. However, you can get a ‘Lean-To Pent’ if you’re hoping to position your building against a wall.

Shiplap vs. Overlap

So, now that you’ve had a think about which roof style you might like, it’s time to look at cladding types. Perhaps the most popular choice is Shiplap, Tongue and Groove cladding. Like laminate flooring, tongue and groove cladding is made up of interlocking boards which aid in preventing water ingress. The Shiplap aspect refers to the shape of the boards. These are made with a slight dip at the top of each board, again to aid water run off and prevent pooling or water ingress. These boards have a smooth finish.

Shiplap Cladding

On the other hand, Overlap cladding has been a firm favourite for many a practical shed user. It has a rougher finish than shiplap, and instead of utilising interlocking boards, the boards will slightly overlap each other, hence the name! It is also sometimes referred to as ‘feather edge’ cladding. Overlap Cladding

Cladding Thickness

Now that you’ve established your preferred roof style and cladding type, it might be worth thinking about what thickness of wood you want to use. Overlap cladding is quite often a thinner wood, with ours being approximately 9mm thick. Shiplap cladding can range in thickness, with ours going from 12mm on our standard range to 16mm on our Elite range. The thickness of the cladding can be useful to think about if you have a specific purpose in mind for your garden building. For example, if you’re looking to create an art space or hobby room, a thicker cladding will provide greater insulation during the colder months!

Pressure Treated Wood

Have you ever thought about buying a Pressure treated building, but have no idea what the benefits are? Pressure treated wood has been treated in a high-pressure tank to ensure the tanalith (the preservative chemical) fully penetrates the wood. Not only does this add to the durability and strength of the wood, it also helps to extend the lifespan and offers protection against wood rot and insect infestation.

Pressure Treated Cladding

Hopefully this guide has provided you with some insight in to the world of sheds, and will help to guide you when you’re making your decision! It’s a big, scary world out there, but all the information you need is within your grasp.

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