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Shed Inspiration - Christina's Potting Shed

Published: 09/11/2017

a picture containing a potting shed interior with painted walls, wall clock, plants and accessories

We spoke to Christina, better known by the Instagram world as Lady Green Fingers. She got her potting shed in summer 2015, and it's become one of our firm favourites. Her beautifully decorated and immaculately organised space is the perfect shed inspiration. Scroll down for Christina's photographs and read what the shed means to her...

My Potting Shed

'The potting shed is MY space - no husband or children allowed! I am chief (and only) gardener in our house so the shed acts as my storage and work-space for anything garden related. 1 In my potting shed, everything has its place. I added clips to the back wall for spades, forks, hoes and rakes. Hooks higher up for trowels, shears and secateurs. Pots (possibly hundreds) live under the worktop, and a storage cupboard for everything else. 5 And of course, I added a few feminine touches and decorations because, well... why not?! 2 Spring is the shed's busiest season. The worktop is quickly filled with seed trays and mini propagator sets, full of germinating seeds. Last year it was sweet peas, calendula, cosmos, tomatoes, cerinthe, nasturiums, bells of Ireland and zinnia. 3 When the seedlings are strong enough I use the worktop to pot them on and eventually plant them out. Throughout the winter the shed is home to envelopes full of collected seeds, dormant dahlia tubers, overwintering seedlings and tender plants with an aversion to frost. 4

I get so much satisfaction growing my own, whether it is fruit, veg or cut flowers, and my lovely potting shed makes the whole process even more enjoyable. Feel free to follow my gardening journey on Instagram @lady_green_fingers.' 6 Special thanks to Christina for sharing her story and her photographs! We love seeing your photos! Do you have a shed or Log Cabin you're proud of? Send us your photographs to sales@tigerbox.co.uk!

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