How to Throw a Mini Festival from your Garden!
Published: 20/06/2018

Are you a big fan of festivals but don't love the hefty price tag? Want to create something a little more personal, for a birthday or a special occasion? Then why not put together your very own mini festival from your garden?
Here are some ideas on how to achieve it!
Get the lighting right.
An instant way to create a chilled-out but 'party' atmosphere is using cool lighting! Sean Juneja, co-founder and CEO of Décor Aid, suggests layering the lighting and hanging the 'old fashioned' globe lights from your trees, fences or even your garden shed! Interior Designers Paiman and Sormeh Salimpour from Sormeh Lifestyle also agree with Sean and advise that string lighting can create warmth, colour, and festivity - perfect for your outdoor shindig!
Set up a photo booth.
A photo booth can easily be created by using a 'selfie stick', a private space to work as your booth (a garden shed would work perfectly for this). Fill it with fun dress up items so people can make memories as well as pictures. Include props such as fake mustaches, lips, wigs and silly clothes!
Serve fun drinks.
You can have a lot of fun when it comes to making the drinks - think mason jars and loads of fruit! Interior Designers Paiman and Sormeh Salimpour from Sormeh Lifestyle suggest adding slices of cucumber to water for a lovely finish touch. Plus, keep bottles of alcoholic beverages in large ice buckets and add in some flowers in between the drinks for a cool festival vibe!
Create a stage.
All you need is a safe and ideally dry spot for your band to plug in and play! When it comes to getting people to play, have a look around and scout a new band in your area that will be seeking gigs. Listen to their stuff and pick a band that falls in the genre you and your friends like! You could even get a more 'well known' band to play and headline your event.
Have a 'festival' dress code.
Make sure to make note on the invitations that everyone should come dressed in 'festival gear'. This will add to the fun of the event and create a stronger theme! If you have a garden shed, turn it into your face and glitter painting stall. Create fun and vibrant looks on everyone for the festival. Think glitter, bright colours and 'glow in the dark' paint!
Put on a a great spread.
A great advantage of throwing your own festival is that you pick the menu and serve it fresh! If you're on a tight budget then sandwiches, mini sausage rolls and crisps generally go down really well. Even firing up a BBQ can cater to the masses. Danuta Pfeiffer, Co-Owner of Pfeiffer Winery, suggests entertaining guests with food that they can graze on. Danuta suggests having long tables under canopies covered with butcher paper and plunked onto the tables are heaps of corn on the cob, roasted potatoes, clams, mussels, shrimp, and salmon!
Upcycle and get creative with decor.
It's really fashionable now to bring indoor items outdoors, so why not upcycle your old homeware? Tins can become cool candles if you poke holes through them. Mugs can be transformed into planters and plant pots can be used to store cutlery! It's all about mixing it up and giving your festival a raw look! Garden sheds are a great alternative to tents at your outdoor festival or party then check out the Tiger Sheds website here to view our range of sheds and cabins.