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How Lyndys’s ‘fresh approach’ Became a Reality

Published: 22/11/2022

Tiger Potting Shed Exterior with Windows

Lyndys’ garden has been a labour of love over the last few years. She loves to cook so she really wanted the garden space to provide her family with delicious home grown produce. The garden already had established plum trees, apple, and pear trees as well as rhubarb.  

Lyndys explained her vision for the garden…

“I had this vision of walking out into the garden to collect fruit, tomatoes, and herbs, as and when I needed them. I wanted to be able to grow herbs, tomatoes, chilies… well anything really.  I love to cook so the thought of the garden space providing for us really sparked an idea in me.  My husband mentioned a potting shed and the plan started to evolve”.

Lyndys continues “I never had the impetus to grow anything before, so it was all new to me.  I started to look around at exactly what a potting shed looked like, how it could be useful.  I was a total beginner to the idea of growing my own produce”.

Why Lyndys chose Tiger…

“After a lot of research, I was fairly set on the idea of my own potting shed, I had ideas of making it ‘girlie’ and special, just for me really.   It was the only idea I had other than perhaps growing in the ground, but that didn’t appeal to me.  I’m getting older and it just sounded like too much hard work, especially working full time as I do.”

 Tiger Potting Shed with Painted Interior and Chilli Plant

“Tiger had fantastic reviews”

 “When I was googling potting sheds, Tiger Sheds came up in the search amongst others. I had initially looked at another shed supplier, mostly because I liked the shape of their potting shed. BUT… I am one for reviews, so I went to Trustpilot and read up on the company and what customers had to say about their products.  They were mostly negative comments.  I then checked out the Tiger Potting Shed and was very happy with the reviews which were all fantastic. I was even able to move the door to the opposite end of the shed which was just brilliant!”


Tiger Potting Shed With Door on Opposite Side

How does your family rate your new Tiger Potting Shed?

“Each member of my family and my husband has commented on how well built my shed is.  How it looks the part and fits so nicely into our garden layout.  I have genuinely had nothing but compliments.  Of course, I have recommended Tiger sheds to all."

Tiger Potting Shed Interior with Plants

What most impressed Lyndys about her new Tiger Potting Shed?

“The shape and quality of my shed is the most impressive although the little things are also a delight.  The customer pack that it came with was superb.  The Tiger finial and the build instructions were top notch.  Considering I am not a DIY person, it was so easy to put together and it took my husband and I about an hour.  Honestly, the whole experience has been amazing from the ease of buying online, delivery, build and now the enjoyment of what it has brought me, just perfect.”

Tiger Potting Shed Side View with Windows and Tiger Finial

Find your perfect space with Tiger. Choose from hundreds of innovative garden building designs in all shapes and sizes, with our market-leading Tiger 20 Year Guarantee.

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